Uppumanga Chammanthi

Uppumanga Chammanthi and rice are one of the ultimate comfort food for most Keralites. It really can be called heartwarming food.

If you ask me… Chammanthi is a tricky thing to make. It may look so simple and it is, but you may not get it right all the time! The key is not to add water while grinding it.

During our last trip to Trivandrum, Mummy gave us some uppumanga (pickled raw mango) and uppilitta kanthari (pickled bird's eye chilli). These two are flavor bombs and I combined these together in this recipe.

It sure was a treat! Boiled rice along with this chammanthi and curd is a match made in heaven. I do hope you get to try this as well.

Btw, have you tried the Uppumanga Curry?

Here is the recipe…

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Uppumanga Chammanthi

A traditional Kerala side dish for rice made with coconut and pickled mango and chillies.
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Course: Lunch, Dinner
Cuisine: Indian, South Indian, Kerala, Keralan
Keyword: Uppumanga Chammanthi, Manga Chammanthi, Thenga Chammanthi
Author: Maria Jose Martin


  • 1 cup Grated coconut
  • 1/2 cup Chopped Uppumanga (Raw mango in brine)
  • 1-2 Chopped green chilli
  • 3-4 Chopped pearl/small onion
  • 1/2 tsp Chopped ginger
  • 1-2 Curry leaves
  • Salt


  • Combine all the ingredients together. Pulse it in your chutney jar without water until it comes together.
  • If your mixie doesnt cooperate, you can add 1-2 tsp water to bring it together.


If you are using refrigerated coconut, just heat it in the microwave for 10-15 seconds before using it.
You can adjust the qty of uppumanga to suit your taste preferences.
I used uppilitta kanthari mulaku instead of green chilli. 
You can also use dry red chilli/red chilli flakes/chilli powder instead of green chilli.
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