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Carrot milkshake is delicious, easy to make and very nutritious. Carrots have amazing health benefit..
Carrot Milkshake There are many recipes I try and only few get featured here in CLP. But today I w..
Carrot Millet Muffins, today we will see how to prepare carrot millet muffins using multigrain flour..
Carrot Mint Lemonade Ingredients :
1 Sweet Carrot 1/2 cup mint leaves Juice of 1 lemon 4 tsp sug..
Carrot modak is a delicious and easy modak made with carrot as main ingredient for stuffing. I have ..
Carrot moong dal modak recipe an easy stuffing made with moong dal or paasi paruppu and carrot. I wa..
We dont need any special reasons for making some special sweets whenever we feel like enjoying them ..
Carrot Buttermilk Carrot mor/ Carrot Buttermilk is a staple in our household. This recipe is from..
Carrot Mysore pak / கேரட் மைசூர்பாக் / Diwali sweets with video Carrot Mysore pak is a soft and m..
I had recently poricha kootu when i went to my friend's place for lunch, i got hooked to this delici..
Simple side dish prepared with carrots, french beans, soaked moongdal and spiced with green chillies..
The orange-colored taproot of the carrot contains a high concentration of beta-carotene. Beta-carote..
Leeks are vegetables that are closely associated with onions and garlic. The leaf of a leek would fo..