Biggest Indian Recipe Aggregator

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Mampazha Pulisseri

         Some things never seize to charm you even if you have gone a long way from it. Even while l..

Water melon Sorbet

          I got to get myself something cool and refreshing to get me going in this hot weather. It ..

Nadan Beef Varattu / Malabar Beef Roast

                                         This is a dish which has been renowned as the favourite ..

Strawberry macarons

                   It  has been a while since I made macarons. I have been planning to include ..

Mango Lassi

         Another nourishing, soothing and cooling drink for the hot weather. Lassi is a drink made w..

Fish curry with Coconut milk

          If there is one thing that Mr. KB would have, again and again without getting sick of it, ..

Cheesy Bread Sticks

       This is an easy, delicious and nutritious snack for the children to nibble on. It is a snack/..

Vendakka Pachadi / Okra (Ladies finger) Pachadi

        There are certain vegetarian delicacies which outplays non-vegetarian dishes with their uniq..

Greek Salad

     Presently, I have got a crush for yummy salads. After having breakfast with Mr.KB at 7' O clock..

Kiwi Smoothie

          There is nothing more refreshing than a cooling smoothie made with fresh fruits, when the ..

Moist Banana Cake

          Climate in the G.C.C has become all the more horrible. The sun is sizzling at degrees abov..

Kappayum Irachiyum (Tapioca cooked with beef)-Malabar Style

                This is a dish which doesn't need a second introduction to Keralites. Tapioca had be..

100th post and a decadent (Coco powder) Brownie

            Yes, friends! I have reached the milestone at last. I have climbed to the toddler phase ..

China grass Pudding

        This is one of the most quickly prepared puddings mom used to make, when she had unexpected ..

Olan - A Kerala vegeterian sadya delicacy

               So... Where to start?             After leaving blogging behind for almost five..