Vellapoondu Vengaya Puli Kulambhu/Vengaya Kara Kulambhu/Shallots and Garlic in a Tangy tamarind Sauce/Simple Lunch Menu

Vellapoondu Vengaya Puli Kulambhu/Vengaya Kara Kulambhu/Shallots and Garlic in a Tangy tamarind Sauce/Simple Lunch Menu
Coming to day 2 of Blogging Marathon#61 under the theme Meal Ideas is a kulambhu recipe with shallots and garlic. Kara kulambhu can be made in so many ways,but this one is with no veggies.Using shallots and garlic makes this kulmabhu finger licking.Sambar powder gives an added flavo..

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  • Views: 1554
  • Recipe ID 20219
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