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Eating good food is essential for good health. Bachelors who have no experience of cooking or basic ..
Bacon wrapped jalapeno peppers stuffed with pimento cheese is a perfect fall treat to celebrate ..
I have been meaning to make some jalapeno poppers for some time now. I got the idea to stuff them w..
Yesterday, I introduced you to my Spicy and Savory Tomato Mango Jam. Today it's about a fun way to..
“We need to remember what’s important in life: friends, waffles, work. Or waffles, friends, work. Do..
A few days ago I shared my recipe for Green Beans with Bacon and Mushrooms. I made those delicious..
Time consuming but it is well worth it! The brown sugar and bacon grease combine beautifully and giv..
Did you know that the American football is called a "pig skin". So of course I had to have an appet..
Badam Milk Ingredients (Serves 2) 1. Badam / almonds – 20, soaked overnight in enough water (or 20 ..
Wishing you all a very happy and prosperous New Year!! Ingredients (Makes 20 – 25) Almond fl..
Almond burfi (Badam burfi) is a delicious sweet made with almonds. It is healthy and rich burfi. He..
Badam burfi recipe – Badam katli is an Indian sweet made with almonds, sugar & cardamom powder. This..