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Diwali always reminds us of the lights and sweets. This is the peak time of the year when the halwai..
Badam Pisin Khus Sharbat recipe is a cooling drink that is perfect for the hot summers. Badam Pisin ..
Badam pista lassi recipe a chilled beverage perfect to enjoy during summer.I love lassi recipes so m..
Badam popsicles recipe a mild flavorful dessert that pleases all.I was having chilled badam milk tha..
badam milk recipe | mtr badam powder | almond milk | almond milk powder with step by step photo and ..
My favorite tea-time snack Badam Puri (deep fried Indian bread)! You could club badam puris with ko..
Badam Puri recipe with step by step photos. Badam puri is a Kannada sweet recipe most popular in Ka..
badam puri recipe | badam poori | badam puri sweet step by step photo and video recipe. there are fe..
Badam Puri | Badam poori recipe is a authentic Karnataka style sweet, made using maida, sugar and al..
Badam Puri Sweet recipe is deep fried puri and soaked in sugar syrup! Badam Puris are sweet almond d..
Badam means Almonds, this nuts are very rich source of many nutrients, though they are rich in fat, ..
Indian sweets with the blending flavor of ghee and sugar gives a nice aroma which no one can resist,..
Almonds are a wonderful source of so many essential nutrients like calcium, folic acid, magnesium, p..
Today is the final day for the theme no tomato gravy in Blogging marathon #61.I am sharing you a ric..